Why do we read?

I ran across this quote the other day and it resonated with me:  You learn to read so you can identify the reality in which you live,so that you can become a protagonist of history rather than a spectator.  — Father Fernando Cardenaleye-water_id620886_size1

I think about all we can learn from books:  cultures, time periods, why people do the things they do, how people are different, how we are alike.

I also think about how our reading choices can affect our perceptions of reality.  For example, a steady diet of romance novels can lead to having expectations that NO husband can meet.  Student choice in reading is very important to me, but it does seem that we have a responsibility to nudge students toward books that can help them become amazing protagonists in their stories.  I’ve determined to do more nudging.

Photo credit: eyemakeart.files.wordpress.com/…/eye-water.jpg

Mind Wanderer or Mind Distracted or Both?

We’ve been talking about how some of us have problems with external distractions when we read and others of us with our minds wandering.  Here’s what a few of my students have to say:

  • I have problems with my mind wandering.  I start thinking about going to recess.  I can read a difficult book if my teacher is reading out loud if I have a copy of a book.flying books That helps me concentrate.  For myself, I pick easier books with a topic I like.
  • Many times when I read I am planning the future.  What I do about it is try to stop my mind and say to myself, “Concentrate, let’s do it!”
  • My mind wanders and I can still read the words, but I’m thinking about something else.  I read better when I read at my desk away from everybody else.
  • When I read, the movie plays in my mind, but sometimes my mind plays a different movie than the book such as me playing soccer.  I just ignore it and try to concentrate on my book.  (He must be good at it, because as a second year English learner, he’s read all the Harry Potter books!)
  • When my mind wanders I reread until I get it and I am re focused.
  • I can block out outside distractions, but my mind wandering doesn’t allow me to think about the book.  To stop thinking about other things I stop, tell my mind to concentrate, then think about the book.
  • Sometimes when I read a book and find a connection I start thinking about that and don’t concentrate on my reading.
  • Distractions bother me because my mind has to stay completely on the book.  To be focused I need silence.  I try to ignore sounds or I cover my ears with a pillow.
  • When I read I get distracted by sounds.  I can read when everybody is silent, but not when there is lots of noise.  I can’t read in my house because my brothers are watching TV in one room and in another they’re playing wii.  What I do about it is I go in my closet and read there.

Photo credit:  spl225.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/flying20bo…

Update on Background Knowledge and Visualization

A few weeks ago I wrote about using a passage from Deathwatch and I finally got around to trying the exercise!Chimney It was very interesting.  I decided to try the first sample without providing background knowledge and although the kids got the gist of it, none of them were able to get a full picture.

I wish you could have seen my class;  I had kids trying to act out the scene where Ben climbs up the chimney rock all over the classroom!  Some were inching their way across the back of the couch, others reenacting falling into the “V” of the chimney, but not knowing what to do next.  Acting out a scene is a powerful tool for visualizing.

Later this week we’ll try the second sample, but provide some background knowledge first.  Hopefully, the students will see the benefit of building their background knowledge when they can’t make the movie in their head.

Photo credit:  www.ewpnet.co.uk/Tsavo/Chimney.jpg

Did I get distracted or let my mind wander? Part 2

Being distracted and letting our minds wander can happen to any of us, but what can we do about it when we’re reading?whisper phone

First, we need to understand that distractions are external and letting our minds wander is internal. Making a list of our common distractions and wanderings helps make us more aware of these things, which, although counter-intuitive, is just what we need.  Once we’re metacognitively aware, we can do something about the problem. My students make long lists of distractions, but my personal distractions are pretty much limited to mosquitoes and fireworks (thus are the hazards of living in tropical, but festive, Ecuador).  Under the category of letting your mind wander, my students generally have short lists (what happened at recess, things not going well at home), where my brain often feels like popcorn as I battle with various to-do lists, obsessive replays of the day, and thoughts about what I should be doing rather than reading.

We explain that we all have good days and bad days with distractability and wanderability; it happens to the best of readers, but good reader DO something about it.  We brainstorm ideas with the kids, and if none of the following comes up in discussion, we suggest them:

  • Students often need to move away from others in order to have less distractions, and we have a number of hidey-holes around the classroom for those students.
  • Sometimes a student who IS a distraction needs to be asked to read in one of these spaces away from others.  Sometimes we even give them names:  Ricky’s Retreat and Charlie’s Corner.
  • Other students benefit from reading aloud to focus their attention.  We arm them with read-out-loud phones (see photo), move them away from other students and they read away!  (I have a class set of these that some parents made from PVC pipe.  We use them often with both reading and writing.  There’s nothing like reading your work out loud for sentence fluency!)
  • When our brain is wandering with to-do lists and remembered chores, sometimes the best thing to do is stop reading for a moment and jot down what we’re thinking about and then go back to the book.
  • The main strategy we use is to talk to our brains.  If the distraction is something we can’t do anything about, like the leaf blower running outside our window, we simply tell our brains to pay attention.  It works!  At the beginning of each year we study the different controls in our brains from the website All Kinds of Minds, and students are used to thinking and speaking about these controls.

Are you more bedeviled by distractions or letting your mind wander??

Photo credit:  thepeoplebrand.com/…/06/Photo_032707_001.jpg

Did I get distracted or let my mind wander?


When teaching children to use the Dr. Goodreader chart, our end goal is for them to use it enough that they internalize the information and eventually have an automatic checklist they use when they read for the rest of their lives.  Dr. Goodreader works for all readers.

After we ask the initial question, “Does this make sense?” if the answer is no, the next question to ask ourselves is, “Did I get distracted or let my mind wander?”  Children need to be taught how to deal with distractions in every setting.  I tell them that when I was reading last night, I found that I hadn’t understood a word for pages because my mind had wandered off to think about the day’s events.  My eyes were going across the words, but my brain was not actively engaged in my book.  Most students are nodding in recognition at this point!

There are many ways to avoid distractions, but it is difficult to create a perfect world in which to read.  So, our goal is to train ourselves to focus, no matter what happens.  To be so into the book that you have to be dragged out of Bookworld into reality.

In the classroom, we move from naming distractions, to brainstorming ways to surmount them, to learning to read deeply.  Some students my squirrel themselves away under tables or in corners to avoid the distraction of their fellow students.  By the end of the year, it’s difficult to drag them out of their books.  The room often stays completely silent when I announce that it’s time to jot down their reading in their reading journals.  Oh, the silence of success!

Interweaving strategy talk when we read out loud

Whether doing a read-aloud at school or when I see my grandchildren, I always try to weave in “strategy talk” when I read.  First, I ask a question in general terms, “WhaIMG_1690t do you think will happen next? or “Why in heaven’s name do you think he did that?”  I solicit various responses and sometimes ask for text evidence, “What did we read in the book that makes you think that?”  Then, I name what they are doing, “Great prediction.  I see why you may think that may happen.”  or “Wow, what an interesting inference.  That could very well be why he did that.”  Sometimes I even further disguise what I’m doing by wondering out loud, ” I don’t get it, why would he do that?” and wait and see if my listeners have any idea.  When I read aloud to my grandchildren, or any younger readers, I try to build them up as well, “You just did what good readers do.  You made a reasonable prediction about what might happen.  Now I can’t wait to see what will happen.”

Visualizing and Background Knowledge

Last night I read the YA mystery, Deathwatch, by Robb White.  It was an interesting survival-in-the-desert-while-being-hunted novel, but I had great difficulty visualizing two scenes. deathwatch The clunks bothered me as I felt they held the key to whether the book was realistically written or not.

To solve my clunks I realized I needed to beef up my background knowledge on rock climbing, and then almost physically re-enact the scenes.  I decided to enlist my class in solving my clunk and so made copies of the pages: Building background knowledge to visualize a difficult scene

Monday, they’ll go online to investigate climbing chimneys and funnels, then use that background knowledge to help them visualize and sketch the scenes–working in small groups.   On Tuesday, I’ll give them even a more difficult task, that of building background knowledge for another difficult scene and determining whether or not the scene is realistically written: Building background knowledge to visualize a difficult scene2

I’ll let you know how it goes.  Do y’all have any ideas to share about helping students visualize when they read?

Photo credit:  members.shaw.ca/johnrosie/images/deathwatch.jpg