Update on Background Knowledge and Visualization

A few weeks ago I wrote about using a passage from Deathwatch and I finally got around to trying the exercise!Chimney It was very interesting.  I decided to try the first sample without providing background knowledge and although the kids got the gist of it, none of them were able to get a full picture.

I wish you could have seen my class;  I had kids trying to act out the scene where Ben climbs up the chimney rock all over the classroom!  Some were inching their way across the back of the couch, others reenacting falling into the “V” of the chimney, but not knowing what to do next.  Acting out a scene is a powerful tool for visualizing.

Later this week we’ll try the second sample, but provide some background knowledge first.  Hopefully, the students will see the benefit of building their background knowledge when they can’t make the movie in their head.

Photo credit:  www.ewpnet.co.uk/Tsavo/Chimney.jpg

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