Scope of Services
- To guide students in achieving their full literacy potential and improve metacognitive processing using the reading and writing workshop model.
Long Term Goals:
- To provide teacher support through on-site workshops and coaching as well as virtual workshops and coaching which improve teacher practice over time by building on their existing skill set and strengths.
Design and Delivery Options:
- Professional Development Workshops
Dr. Goodreader Consulting Services can facilitate professional development workshops based on current best practice and workshops in the areas listed under Scope of Services.
- Coaching
On-site or virtual coaching sessions to provide teachers job-embedded support. This can be achieved in one-on-one coaching sessions or small group sessions. Coaching will require that the coach and/or teacher(s) model lessons. Relying heavily on self-reflection, the teachers will improve their teaching practices to impact student learning.
Scope of Services: Reading and Writing Workshop
Reading Workshop
- Use metacognition and self-reflection to improve decoding ability and reading comprehension.
- Use Dr. Goodreader (fix-up strategy flow chart) to facilitate metacognition and self-reflection when making a purposeful choice of a fix-up strategy when comprehension breaks down.
- Have purposeful reading conferences that move students along the reading continuum.
- Use impromptu running records as a diagnostic tool for next steps in the classroom.
- Questioning that sparks thinking when reading.
- Use reading workshop mini-lesson architecture well in the classroom.
- Support high quality design and implementation of reading workshop units of study in the classroom.
- Document qualitative and quantitative data in reading workshop.
- Importance of teaching reading strategies in the classroom and how they interrelate with CCSS.
Writing Workshop
- Support high quality design and implementation of writing workshop units of study in the classroom.
- Use metacognition and self-reflection to improve editing and revising abilities.
- Connect writing process and writing workshop.
- Document qualitative and quantitative data in writing workshop.
- Many ways that writers use to generate ideas that transfer to the classroom.
- Use of storytelling to improve lesson retention, pre-writing, and vocabulary.*
- Metacognition as a tool for life.
- Facilitate writing groups for teachers to improve writing workshop and conferring practice in the classroom.*
- Teach grammar and punctuation in context.
- Techniques to broaden vocabulary.
- Teach parents how to strengthen their child’s reading at home.
- Write integrated units which include reading and writing workshop and other subject area(s)
- Align and implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the school district’s curriculum with reading and writing workshop.
Fees upon request for workshops, coaching, and virtual coaching.
*These workshops should be long-term and have a lower rate
Susan Stevens