Interweaving strategy talk when we read out loud

Whether doing a read-aloud at school or when I see my grandchildren, I always try to weave in “strategy talk” when I read.  First, I ask a question in general terms, “WhaIMG_1690t do you think will happen next? or “Why in heaven’s name do you think he did that?”  I solicit various responses and sometimes ask for text evidence, “What did we read in the book that makes you think that?”  Then, I name what they are doing, “Great prediction.  I see why you may think that may happen.”  or “Wow, what an interesting inference.  That could very well be why he did that.”  Sometimes I even further disguise what I’m doing by wondering out loud, ” I don’t get it, why would he do that?” and wait and see if my listeners have any idea.  When I read aloud to my grandchildren, or any younger readers, I try to build them up as well, “You just did what good readers do.  You made a reasonable prediction about what might happen.  Now I can’t wait to see what will happen.”

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